How Wisefix Helped FIT HUB

UX Research
Understanding Customers,
Better Decisions;

The Challenge

As FIT HUB is growing exponentially, FIT HUB wanted to get a better understanding of their customers which would help in the decision making of product expansion.

The business was facing two challenges summarized in the following questions:

  1. How can the business understand its customers better?
  2. What product/new vertical should the business expand to?

The Impact

Understanding Customers:
Our Client quickly and efficiently gains a thorough analysis of their customers which was used for their product design process.

Better Decisions:
Discussion with our Expert helped our client evaluate their product roadmap, and use this information to re-evaluate their GTM Strategy and Product Roadmap.

Wisefix is reinventing the way knowledge is shared. They connected us to experts who have helped create informed decisions in growing our company and brand.

Jakarta Indonesia

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